Plasic Surgeon
in Multnomah County

Plastic Surgeon in Portland Oregon

Austin Hayes MD - Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Portland Oregon specializes in plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift surgery, liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, mommy makeovers and labiaplasty.

breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to enhance the size and shape of a person's breasts. This procedure involves inserting implants to increase fullness or volume. Patients opt for breast augmentation for various reasons, such as enhancing their body proportions, restoring breast volume lost due to weight loss or pregnancy, or simply feeling more confident and satisfied with their appearance.

During a breast augmentation procedure, patients have the option to choose between saline or silicone implants. Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution, while silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. The type of implant chosen will depend on factors like desired outcome, personal preference, and the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. Additionally, patients can discuss with their surgeon the placement of the incisions, the size and shape of the implants, and the overall surgical plan to achieve the desired results.

breast lift

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to address sagging or drooping breasts. This can be caused by factors such as pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or the natural aging process. During a breast lift, excess skin is removed, and the breast tissue is reshaped and lifted to create a more youthful and perky appearance.

Women who undergo a breast lift often report feeling more confident and comfortable in their own skin. The procedure can help improve the overall shape and contour of the breasts, leading to a more proportionate and balanced appearance. Whether done on its own or in combination with other cosmetic procedures, a breast lift can help individuals achieve their desired aesthetic goals.


Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at removing stubborn fat deposits from various areas of the body. Commonly treated regions include the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck. This surgical technique involves the insertion of a thin tube, called a cannula, to suction out excess fat cells, resulting in a more contoured and toned appearance.

One must note that liposuction is not a weight loss solution but rather a body contouring procedure suitable for individuals close to their ideal weight. It is essential for patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-surgery to sustain the results achieved. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the procedure and the individual's healing process. It is crucial to follow post-operative instructions diligently to ensure optimal outcomes.

tummy tuck surgery

During a tummy tuck surgery, excess fat and skin are removed from the abdominal area, resulting in a flatter and firmer midsection. This procedure is commonly sought after by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or pregnancy and have excess skin or weakened abdominal muscles. Tummy tucks can also help improve the appearance of stretch marks in the lower abdomen, providing patients with a more toned and sculpted silhouette.

One of the key benefits of undergoing a tummy tuck surgery is the boost in self-confidence that many patients experience post-procedure. Individuals often report feeling more comfortable and confident in their bodies after achieving the desired results from a tummy tuck. Additionally, the physical improvements in the abdominal region can lead to better posture and overall body alignment, contributing to a healthier lifestyle in the long run.
• Tummy tuck surgery removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal area
• Commonly sought after by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or pregnancy
• Helps improve appearance of stretch marks in lower abdomen
• Boosts self-confidence in patients post-procedure
• Leads to better posture and overall body alignment

mommy makeover

A mommy makeover typically involves a combination of cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenating a woman's body after pregnancy and childbirth. Common components of a mommy makeover may include a tummy tuck to address abdominal laxity, liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits, and a breast lift or augmentation to enhance the shape and volume of the breasts. This comprehensive approach allows women to address multiple areas of concern in a single surgical session, ultimately helping them restore their pre-pregnancy figure and boost their self-confidence.

For many women, undergoing a mommy makeover is a transformative experience that not only enhances their physical appearance but also improves their overall well-being. By targeting key areas affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding, such as the abdomen, breasts, and thighs, a mommy makeover can help women regain a sense of youthfulness and vitality. With advancements in surgical techniques and anesthesia, the recovery process for a mommy makeover has become more manageable, allowing patients to return to their daily activities with renewed energy and a newfound sense of body confidence.


Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure on the external folds of skin surrounding the vulva, also known as the labia. It is typically done to alter the shape or size of the labia minora or labia majora. Women may opt for labiaplasty for both aesthetic and functional reasons, such as discomfort or irritation during physical activities or intercourse.

During a labiaplasty procedure, the excess tissue of the labia is reshaped or reduced to achieve the desired appearance. This outpatient surgery is commonly performed under local anesthesia and generally takes around one to two hours to complete. While recovery time varies for each individual, patients are advised to refrain from strenuous activities for a few weeks post-surgery to allow for proper healing.

What is labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reshape or reduce the size of the labia minora (inner lips) or labia majora (outer lips) of the vagina.

Who is a good candidate for labiaplasty?

Good candidates for labiaplasty are women who are bothered by the size or shape of their labia and are in overall good health.

How is labiaplasty performed?

Labiaplasty is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The surgeon will remove excess tissue from the labia minora or labia majora to achieve the desired shape and size.

What is the recovery like after labiaplasty?

Recovery after labiaplasty usually takes about 1-2 weeks. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, but these symptoms can be managed with pain medication and cold packs.

Are there any risks or complications associated with labiaplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications with labiaplasty, such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and changes in sensation. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

How much does labiaplasty cost?

The cost of labiaplasty can vary depending on the surgeon's experience, the location of the practice, and the extent of the procedure. It is important to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss pricing and financing options.


Austin Hayes, MD
1200 NW Naito Pkwy #310
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 748-0069

Body Contouring Surgery

Breast Augmentation, Breast Lifts, Liposuction, Tummy Tucks, Mommy Makeovery Surgery, Labiaplasty